using System; using sqlmapsharp; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Example { class MainClass { public static void Main (string[] args) { using (SqlmapSession session = new SqlmapSession("", 8775)) { using (SqlmapManager manager = new SqlmapManager(session)) { string taskid = manager.NewTask(); Console.WriteLine(taskid); Dictionaryoptions = manager.GetOptions(taskid); manager.SetOption(taskid, "msfPath", "/path/to/msf"); Dictionary newoptions = manager.GetOptions(taskid); Console.WriteLine("Old msfpath: " + options["msfPath"].ToString()); Console.WriteLine("New msfpath: " + newoptions["msfPath"].ToString()); options["url"] = ""; manager.StartTask(taskid, options); SqlmapStatus status = manager.GetScanStatus(taskid); while (status.Status != "terminated") { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0,0,10)); status = manager.GetScanStatus(taskid); } List logItems = manager.GetLog(taskid); foreach (SqlmapLogItem item in logItems) Console.WriteLine(item.Message); manager.DeleteTask(taskid); } } } } }
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Interacting with SQLMap from C#
I just checked in some basic bindings to the SQLMap RESTful API. Pretty simple, below is an example application. It creates a new task, sets the msfPath option (but stores a copy of the options from before), starts the task using a specific URL set in the options dictionary, watches the scan until it completes, then writes the logs messages to stdout. You can get the bindings on github.
Unofficial SQLmap RESTful API documentation
This isn't comprehensive, just the most useful methods. I haven't found any docs on the API yet but wanted to play with it. :)
The full list of methods available are:
These are the methods I have been using
GET /task/new
GET /task/<task_id>/delete
GET /option/<task_id>/list Response:
POST /option/<task_id>/set -- Content-Type:application/json
POST /scan/<task_id>/start -- Content-Type:application/json
Request (optional):
GET /scan/<task_id>/log
GET /scan/<task_id>/status
The full list of methods available are:
@get("/task/new") @get("/task/<taskid>/delete") @get("/admin/<taskid>/list") @get("/admin/<taskid>/flush") @get("/option/<taskid>/list") @post("/option/<taskid>/get") @post("/option/<taskid>/set") @post("/scan/<taskid>/start") @get("/scan/<taskid>/stop") @get("/scan/<taskid>/kill") @get("/scan/<taskid>/status") @get("/scan/<taskid>/data") @get("/scan/<taskid>/log/<start>/<end>") @get("/scan/<taskid>/log") @get("/download/<taskid>/<target>/<filename:path>")
These are the methods I have been using
GET /task/new
{ "taskid": "1d47d7f046df1504" }
GET /task/<task_id>/delete
{ "success": true }
GET /option/<task_id>/list Response:
{ "options": { "crawlDepth": null, "osShell": false, "getUsers": false, "getPasswordHashes": false, "excludeSysDbs": false, "uChar": null, "regData": null, "cpuThrottle": 5, "prefix": null, "code": null, "googlePage": 1, "query": null, "randomAgent": false, "delay": 0, "isDba": false, "requestFile": null, "predictOutput": false, "wizard": false, "stopFail": false, "forms": false, "taskid": "73674cc5eace4ac7", "skip": null, "dropSetCookie": false, "smart": false, "risk": 1, "sqlFile": null, "rParam": null, "getCurrentUser": false, "notString": null, "getRoles": false, "getPrivileges": false, "testParameter": null, "tbl": null, "charset": null, "trafficFile": null, "osSmb": false, "level": 1, "secondOrder": null, "pCred": null, "timeout": 30, "firstChar": null, "updateAll": false, "binaryFields": false, "checkTor": false, "aType": null, "direct": null, "saFreq": 0, "tmpPath": null, "titles": false, "getSchema": false, "identifyWaf": false, "checkWaf": false, "regKey": null, "limitStart": null, "loadCookies": null, "dnsName": null, "csvDel": ",", "oDir": null, "osBof": false, "invalidLogical": false, "getCurrentDb": false, "hexConvert": false, "answers": null, "host": null, "dependencies": false, "cookie": null, "proxy": null, "regType": null, "optimize": false, "limitStop": null, "mnemonics": null, "uFrom": null, "noCast": false, "testFilter": null, "eta": false, "threads": 1, "logFile": null, "os": null, "col": null, "rFile": null, "verbose": 1, "aCert": null, "torPort": null, "privEsc": false, "forceDns": false, "getAll": false, "api": true, "url": null, "invalidBignum": false, "regexp": null, "getDbs": false, "freshQueries": false, "uCols": null, "smokeTest": false, "pDel": null, "wFile": null, "udfInject": false, "tor": false, "forceSSL": false, "beep": false, "saveCmdline": false, "configFile": null, "scope": null, "dumpAll": false, "torType": "HTTP", "regVal": null, "dummy": false, "commonTables": false, "search": false, "skipUrlEncode": false, "referer": null, "liveTest": false, "purgeOutput": false, "retries": 3, "extensiveFp": false, "dumpTable": false, "database": "/tmp/sqlmapipc-EmjjlQ", "batch": true, "headers": null, "flushSession": false, "osCmd": null, "suffix": null, "dbmsCred": null, "regDel": false, "shLib": null, "nullConnection": false, "timeSec": 5, "msfPath": null, "noEscape": false, "getHostname": false, "sessionFile": null, "disableColoring": true, "getTables": false, "agent": null, "lastChar": null, "string": null, "dbms": null, "tamper": null, "hpp": false, "runCase": null, "osPwn": false, "evalCode": null, "cleanup": false, "getBanner": false, "profile": false, "regRead": false, "bulkFile": null, "safUrl": null, "db": null, "dumpFormat": "CSV", "alert": null, "user": null, "parseErrors": false, "aCred": null, "getCount": false, "dFile": null, "data": null, "regAdd": false, "ignoreProxy": false, "getColumns": false, "mobile": false, "googleDork": null, "sqlShell": false, "pageRank": false, "tech": "BEUSTQ", "textOnly": false, "commonColumns": false, "keepAlive": false } }
POST /option/<task_id>/set -- Content-Type:application/json
{ "msfPath" : "/path/to/metasploit/framework" }Response:
{ "success": true }
POST /scan/<task_id>/start -- Content-Type:application/json
Request (optional):
{ "url" : "" }Response:
{ "engineid": 16784, "success": true }
GET /scan/<task_id>/log
{ "log": [ { "message": "testing connection to the target URL", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:11:23" }, { "message": "testing if the target URL is stable. This can take a couple of seconds", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:11:24" }, { "message": "target URL is stable", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:11:26" }, { "message": "no parameter(s) found for testing in the provided data (e.g. GET parameter 'id' in '')", "level": "CRITICAL", "time": "14:11:26" }, { "message": "testing connection to the target URL", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:30" }, { "message": "testing if the target URL is stable. This can take a couple of seconds", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:31" }, { "message": "target URL is not stable. sqlmap will base the page comparison on a sequence matcher. If no dynamic nor injectable parameters are detected, or in case of junk results, refer to user's manual paragraph 'Page comparison' and provide a string or regular expression to match on", "level": "WARNING", "time": "14:17:33" }, { "message": "testing if GET parameter 'PAGE' is dynamic", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:33" }, { "message": "confirming that GET parameter 'PAGE' is dynamic", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:33" }, { "message": "GET parameter 'PAGE' does not appear dynamic", "level": "WARNING", "time": "14:17:33" }, { "message": "reflective value(s) found and filtering out", "level": "WARNING", "time": "14:17:33" }, { "message": "heuristic (basic) test shows that GET parameter 'PAGE' might not be injectable", "level": "WARNING", "time": "14:17:33" }, { "message": "testing for SQL injection on GET parameter 'PAGE'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:34" }, { "message": "testing 'AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:34" }, { "message": "testing 'MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:34" }, { "message": "testing 'PostgreSQL AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:34" }, { "message": "testing 'Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:34" }, { "message": "testing 'Oracle AND error-based - WHERE or HAVING clause (XMLType)'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:35" }, { "message": "testing 'MySQL inline queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:35" }, { "message": "testing 'PostgreSQL inline queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:35" }, { "message": "testing 'Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase inline queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:35" }, { "message": "testing 'Oracle inline queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:35" }, { "message": "testing 'SQLite inline queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:35" }, { "message": "testing 'MySQL > 5.0.11 stacked queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:36" }, { "message": "testing 'PostgreSQL > 8.1 stacked queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:36" }, { "message": "testing 'Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase stacked queries'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:36" }, { "message": "testing 'MySQL > 5.0.11 AND time-based blind'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:36" }, { "message": "testing 'PostgreSQL > 8.1 AND time-based blind'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:37" }, { "message": "testing 'Microsoft SQL Server/Sybase time-based blind'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:37" }, { "message": "testing 'Oracle AND time-based blind'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:37" }, { "message": "testing 'MySQL UNION query (NULL) - 1 to 10 columns'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:37" }, { "message": "testing 'Generic UNION query (NULL) - 1 to 10 columns'", "level": "INFO", "time": "14:17:38" }, { "message": "using unescaped version of the test because of zero knowledge of the back-end DBMS. You can try to explicitly set it using option '--dbms'", "level": "WARNING", "time": "14:17:38" }, { "message": "GET parameter 'PAGE' is not injectable", "level": "WARNING", "time": "14:17:39" }, { "message": "all tested parameters appear to be not injectable. Try to increase '--level'/'--risk' values to perform more tests. Also, you can try to rerun by providing either a valid value for option '--string' (or '--regexp')", "level": "CRITICAL", "time": "14:17:40" }, { "message": "HTTP error codes detected during run:\n404 (Not Found) - 183 times", "level": "WARNING", "time": "14:17:40" } ] }
GET /scan/<task_id>/status
{ "status": "terminated", "returncode": 0 }
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