Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Communicating with your NeXpose server via Mono/.NET

I have a public repo on github that houses my nexpose-sharp library. It is written in C# and consumes the NeXpose XML API (both 1.1 and 1.2). Here is an example of how easy it is to get all the vuln checks NeXpose has:

using System;
using System.Xml;
using nexposesharp;

namespace nexposeclient
class MainClass
public static void Main (string[] args)
using (NexposeSession session = new NexposeSession(""))
session.Authenticate("nexpose"/*user*/, "nexpose"/*password*/);

using (NexposeManager11 manager = new NexposeManager11(session))
XmlDocument vulns = manager.GetVulnerabilityListing();

int i = 0;
foreach (XmlNode vuln in vulns.FirstChild.ChildNodes)
string vulnID = vuln.Attributes["id"].Value;

XmlDocument deets = manager.GetVulnerabilityDetails(vulnID);

string title = deets.FirstChild.FirstChild.Attributes["title"].Value;
string severity = deets.FirstChild.FirstChild.Attributes["severity"].Value;

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} has a severity of {1} and an id of {2}", title, severity, vulnID));


Console.WriteLine("\n\nTotal vulnerabilities in database: " + i);

The library has 2 manager implementations. The above example use the 1.1 API. A NexposeManager12 class exists that inherits from NexposeManager11 (available from NeXpose 4.0) and implements the extended 1.2 API (available for NeXpose installations of 4.8+). I am currently in the process of writing some unit tests, which will be committed as soon as possible.

You can grab a copy of NeXpose Community Edition today and try it out!

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