Sunday, October 3, 2010

Re-elect Jesus Christ, Vote For Rick Perry

For all you Texans out there, feel free to steal this from me and pass them out at a place of interest near you.

For more context of the quote of Rick Perry, click here.

Also, if you feel like making a ridiculous spectacle, join the Yes Men Challenge group and post your videos/results.


  1. Finally, a moshiach the Jews can accept :P

  2. Um, what is this doing on Planet Ubuntu?

  3. "Planet Ubuntu is a window into the world, work and lives of Ubuntu developers and contributors."

    I have been contributing to the Ubuntu community for quite a while, and this is something I do in my life.

  4. Plus, it was done on Ubuntu, using GIMP!

  5. Uh like seriously guys, this shoudn't be on Planet Ubuntu cuz like fir shir it disagrees with some folks so like ....

    Uh nevermind I can't even be funny about that objection anymore. As Brandon pointed out Planet Ubuntu isn't just about tech stuff. I'm hopin the day arrives when I read a post like this and debate arises, or disagreement, or agreement, whatever. Anything but the old and tired "this doesn't belong on Planet Ubuntu."

    I'm not sure if I agree with the sentiments or not, have to read up more on this feller Rick Perry.

    Vorian sometimes I agree with you sometimes I don't. I do respect you though and hope you take to heart my next statement in the manner it is intended. We can agree or disagree with the poster, but it is my hope that the Ubuntu posters would grow away from their use of ableism. The problem has grown to immense proportions and you could be a force demonstrating disagreement without the use of such tropes.

    (If you do, you will be the first to actually do so, and I'm holding out hope that you are...)

  6. I, too, believe that this is utterly and completely inappropriate for Planet Ubuntu.
